Friday, May 8, 2020

It s The Middle Of The Night - 1789 Words

It’s the middle of the night. You’re hungry. You go to the kitchen and turn on the light. Suddenly, you step on something crunchy. You bend down to take a look. It is a cockroach! In New York City, in all homes and buildings, cockroaches abound. Just like its human residents, New York City s roaches are among the most diverse in the world. Cockroaches have been around for millions of years, evolving into some of the most adaptable pests on Earth. And no matter how hard exterminators try, the stubborn cockroaches don’t seem to die off. In fact, as time progresses, different species of cockroaches will be discovered and they will become more adaptable to the New York climate and also resistant to chemical poisons. It is safe to say, we are†¦show more content†¦Since roaches can crawl through small spaces, its very important we seal these entries. I understand this can be time consuming, but at the end of the day it will be worth the effort. If we donâ€⠄¢t stop them from entering, the next thing we know unwanted guests are partying with us and drinking our alcoholic beverages (â€Å"Orkin†). As long as we (unwillingly) provide food, shelter, and water for cockroaches they will forever infest our homes. Pest World states that cockroaches are attracted to sweet and floury foods (Cockroach Extermination). But even if you try to starve these critters, they won’t just die off. They’ll actually survive a whole month with no food, but only days without water. It is vital we stop supplying water to these pests. In addition, a cockroach can hold its breath for 40 minutes and survive underwater for at least half an hour (Cockroach Extermination). That means they can swim up our drainpipes into our sinks and bathtubs. We should begin by repairing the tiniest leakages and making sure no water is left standing in our sinks. Cockroaches are extremely attracted to moist areas even to the smallest bit of water. For example, New Yorker Ruby Ahuja said: â€Å"I used to work in a dry building, and when I’d leave a cup on my table after washing it out at night, leavin g a few drops of water inside, I would find the cup full of roaches the next morning.† What a beautiful sight to see early in the morning. Furthermore, when it comes to theirShow MoreRelatedFilm Analysis Of All The Presidents Men1270 Words   |  6 PagesAnalysis of All the President s Men All the President s Men, the 1976 film directed by Alan J. Pakula, is a detective thriller that portrays the story behind the Washington Post reporter s Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein s Pulitzer Prize winning relentless pursuit of the Watergate conspiracy. It initially started as a local burglary story and eventually led to the resignation of President Nixon. 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